Top Inside Sales Tricks

Sales is a very tricky department to be in. You have the burden of generating income for the company and making it happen every single day. If you have a sales target to meet, then all your energies are spent to make a minimum, and then increase it to be able to gain commissions on the extra sales volume. Companies have a lot riding on their Sales Department and spend their energies making it even more efficient. From workshops to demos, a sales team has to always be on their toes. Slacking is not an option.

Would it not be good, if people had a few tricks up their sleeves to make their jobs (and lives) easier? Tricks of the trade are normally for those who may want to cut to the chase and make situations work for them every time. They are able to close deals faster thereby making more money for the company.

10 top inside sales tricks can be learned right here and no one would be the wiser.

10.) Playing With Time

If you are a company that works with international clients, then use time zones to your advantage. The best time for calling any company is early in the morning. Executives are fresh and with their cup of coffee or tea they are ready to take on the world, so make sure you put in a call as early as possible.

Depending on where you live and what time you work, make calls to that time zone which “first comes” in at 9 A.M. Work your way down the list and complete your calls without even losing any time in the process. How cool is that?

9.) Be Responsive

Many times deals are lost when sales representatives do not call back. A deal is closed depending on several factors, and it includes being the first to respond to a client’s request.

8.) Deals and Bundles

Making your product more sale worthy is a trick many sales representatives need to master. Bundles and promotions are ways to induce the client to pick up your product over that of a competitor.

7.) Be Persistent

Sale representatives need to follow up on each (potential) client to close a deal, several times over. This perseverance pays off in the long run. Even if the deal does not go through, make sure you leave a lasting impression on the client for them to come back to you when needed.

6.) Zero In On Handy Information

Instead of looking up information about your account before each call, spend a part of each day prepping pertinent information about a client to call the next day. It should not contain the whole company profile, but a few important points should suffice.

5.) Call Directly

Try gaining the direct number of your account instead of meandering your way through company lines. This saves up on time and increases efficiency. There is less possibility of a call to drop as well.

4.) Make The Call Short and Sweet

Lengthy calls only decrease your efficiency and increase frustration at the client’s end. You have already lost her/him if s/he gets bored in the middle of your rant. Make it short and to the point.

3.) Make your Voicemail Matter

At times you may not have your client sitting at their desk and instead have to leave a message. Use your time well, and complete your message before the tone sounds. Make it sound as if you are talking to the person rather to a machine.

2.) Make it Personable

Focusing on the product rather than the clients is a big no-no. You need to understand your clients’ needs rather than rant on about your product. Once you create a rapport with your clients, explain how your product is beneficial to them. Every account is different, so every call needs to be different; not some script read off at 100 mph.

1.) Every Product is Unique

For the last of our top inside sales tricks, you need to convince your account that your product is better and different from your competitors’ or the vendors’ they are sourcing from. If you do not understand your own product, then making calls would only create a bad impression and leave the client unimpressed.

All of these top inside sales tricks are easy to adopt in your daily calls. Focus on how you can make each call work for you, so you can close deals as soon as possible. If need be, have your manager train you or a group of sales representatives to help the company grow and prosper.

Todd Rumaner

Frigging hero


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